Dining In Midtown Atlanta
Flourishing with Unexpected Flavor
Welcome to where aspiring residents and in-the-know Atlantans converge for tastes unique to Midtown’s captivating culinary scene, from Baby Hasselback Potatoes and Bang Island Mussels to smooth signature cocktails, like the Mandarin Ginger Gin Sour. Whether you’re dining at Lantana or sipping bourbon out on the terrace, expect only a lush experience that elaborates on our fixed spot as a garden of discovery and talent, especially in its food.

Sun-Thur | 7AM-12AM
Fri & Sat | 7AM-1AM
Offering one of the best of Midtown Atlanta dining experiences, Lantana—our lobby lounge and restaurant—serves fresh, seasonal cuisine, plus hosts live performances, exciting events and more.
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Room Service
From early morning specialities to all-day bites, enjoy the same exceptional fare found from Lantana delivered right to your door.
Room Service can be reached by the Front Desk at 404-892-6000 Ext. 3552
Breakfast | 7AM-11AM
Dinner | 5PM-11PM
See The Menu